Our products are handmade and homeMade , they contain Essential Oils. Essential Oils have been used for centuries to promote our physical and psychological well being. Note that common essential oils are considered to be dermal irritants.
They are highly concentrated oils that are distilled or extracted from different parts of the plants.
Just a small amount inhaled or applied topically can have powerful benefits. essential Oils contain aromatic and therapeutic compounds that interact with the neurotransmitters in your brain and your body cells to improve your well being.
Roll on and Cream : These products needs to be used externally only ( do not ingest)
All of our products are not intended to substitute any advice given by a Healthcare professional specialist ( doctor, dermatologist, ….) . We are not healthcare provider and are not giving any advices
Our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions or disease.
Do not use these products during pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe health issues, epilepsy, neurological issues.
Do not use on babies and children below 3 years old.
Do not apply on eyes.and eyes contour .
Do not apply our products on dermal irritated skin.
Keep our aromatherapy products away from pets or small kids
If using Citrus Oils variety products , don’t sunbath for at least 3 hours after applying .